2016 Business Leadership Award Winners

Board Leadership of the Year Award 2016

GreenSync Board (sponsored by AGL)

Selection panel comment: "A board with strong credentials in both the traditional energy supply and emerging energy management arenas. This board stood out with its willingness to support a new business model that brings together the strengths of traditional and new energy generation sources at a large demonstration site encompassing a large energy-using community in Victoria. Its depth of experience and credibility within the existing energy sector means impressive innovation is being implemented in a conservative industry." 

Innovator of the Year Award 2016

Teachers Mutual Bank (sponsored by Ashurst)

Selection panel comment: "The bank has been a leader in ethical banking and anticipating the needs of customers who want to be assured that they are not supporting fossil-fuel investments. In an Australian first, the bank has established a $500 million Debt Issuance Program that has been certified ethical by the Responsible Investment Association of Australia on the basis that it excludes any lending or investment in fossil fuels." 

Business Leader of the Year Award 2016

Martijn Wilder (sponsored by Karstens)

Selection panel comment: "The winner has far exceeded what would reasonably be expected of an executive working in the climate risk and climate change sector. He leads Baker & McKenzie's Global Climate Law and Finance practice and contributes to numerous high-impact board roles where his climate leadership credentials have underpinned policy changes and shaped government decision-making. In the past year alone, Martijn has chaired the Victorian Government's Independent Review Committee of the Climate Change Act and been appointed Chair of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency."

Business Leader of the Year Award 2016

Andy Vesey (sponsored by Ashurst)

Selection panel comment: "Andy Vesey is leading AGL through a challenging period of change where the core business model of the company is being transformed. Under his leadership, AGL has launched numerous initiatives to transition towards a carbon constrained future, including the Powering Australian Renewables Fund (PARF) which is supporting the investment in 1 GW of renewable energy, which will go a significant way to ensure Australia will meet its commitments under the RET and global commitments to ensure global warming does not exceed 1.5 degrees. Earlier this year, Andy became a member of the Leadership Forum on Energy Transition for Australia. His forward-looking public position of support for emerging energy solutions sets him apart from many in the industry."

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